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About Our Company

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About Our Company


Who WAre &  What WDo

Boulder Ventures Development Inc., (BVD) is a privately held real estate development company with a focus on mixed-use and transit-oriented properties primarily in the Western United States. Boulder Ventures Development has an integrated team of real estate experts who specialize in every complex aspect of development, including acquisition, entitlement, site planning, design, construction management, sales, disposition, leasing, property, and asset management. We work together to ensure that there is a master plan for each project that provides the needs of each homeowner, community, and city.

Boulder Ventures Development has acquired, entitled, and developed millions of square feet of mixed-use developments since the turn of the millennium and continues to develop several assets in Utah and beyond.

of Development

of Development

We have been at the forefront of securing development opportunities along the expanding transit line systems of the Wasatch Front/Salt Lake Valley in Utah. This vision has led to the acquisition of several of Boulder Ventures Development transit-oriented development (TOD) successes, including Vista Station – one of the largest and most distinguished TOD’s on the FrontRunner line. The site featured 147 acres of undeveloped land and was acquired with no infrastructure, ingress, or egress. Two years after the land acquisition, our team constructed a vehicular bridge under an existing rail line allowing for highway access and the Draper FrontRunner Station stop, which opened in 2012. During this time, Boulder Ventures Development also completed the balance of the site infrastructure and a secured the sale of 36 acres which became home to the eBay campus in early 2013. Vista Station was approved for a Community Development Agreement with a potential benefit of $198 Million in property tax incremental proceeds over twenty years.


For the Future

For the Future

Since 2010, Boulder Ventures Development has continued to invest and acquire other sites along the TRAX and Streetcar Line for redevelopment and new construction. BVD is also constructing several phases of its TOD site in West Jordan, Utah, along with other residential sites.


Our Proficiencies

Boulder Ventures Development talented team of professionals consists of long-time experts in development who have worked in many different geographic locations, which gives them diverse backgrounds and varied perspectives. We are well versed in every aspect of the approval process and managing public-private partnerships for infrastructure improvements. A variety of lenders and capital partners have teamed up with Boulder Ventures Development to produce outstanding, highly regarded projects, many of which have been multi-decade, phased developments.


Institutional sophistication combined with an entrepreneurial spirit